Sunday, January 23, 2011

How Can U Ask For Money For A Bridal Shower

New registrations

output is the circular for the subscription to Kindergarten this year merged with that of the nests. can be found at: need / I need / nursery and Scuole_Scuole infanzia_Scuole of the children, how to subscribe & categId = IT_CAT_Bisogni_11_02 & categ = & type = content

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Frozen Yogurt Interior Designs

first meeting of the new school board

Along with the official appointment, I received the call for the council School to be held Monday, January 24 at 16.30 at the kindergarten of the pieces via the following agenda:

  1. Election of executive members;
  2. Developments the organization inputs / outputs to kindergarten with the introduction schedules 15.45/16.00 and 16.15/16.30;
  1. Ways and times in which the school or meet the Family Nest: Proposals for scheduling meetings at the beginning of school year or simple talks ;
4. Proposals and projects of the shares outstanding in both nurseries or schools related to the Polo 10: es. outings and festive season with a view to sharing knowledge and collective.

5. scheduling future meetings of the School Council;

  1. Any other business.
I will briefly report how it went.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Ideas For A Skating Party

For remigini it's time to enroll in school!

Parents of boys and girls who subscribe to FIRST CLASS PRIMARY SCHOOL C. Baptist via palmieri are invited to the meeting for the presentation of the elementary school which will take place:

FRIDAY 'January 14, 2011 at 17:30
at the primary school in Via Palmieri, 24

the POF will be illustrated with projects and activities in the school.

To guide the work properly at the meeting, those who wish may send by January 31, 2011 questions, requests, comments, concerns ... using the following tools: 02-8435931 Fax
(subject: registration as 2011-2012)
e-mail: - \u200b\u200b(object entries as 2011-2012)

Registration will begin Saturday, January 22, 2011 and will end Monday, January 31, 2011 and may be made at the Secretariat of Via Palmieri, 24


from 8.30 to 11.00 (Via Palmieri)
Saturday, January 22, 2011 from 9:00 am to 12:00 pm (Via Palmieri)
Saturday January 29, 2011 from 9:00 am to 12:00 pm (Via Palmieri)

Monday, January 10, 2011

Bond Price In The Past

Trash emptied and the ceiling collapsed

Welcome back! start again after a long vacation! and there are unpleasant surprises ... As you may have seen it because of water leakage is a piece of the ceiling collapsed in class dolphins. the problem has already been reported to management and will hopefully be resolved quickly, but in any case we will give you updates!
to console good news: After the disastrous situation of the AMS reported trash in front seat at our school, overflowing waste discarded by the uncivilized, they said they will provide to empty it more often and the situation looks good for now. 2011
still welcome back and good to everyone, parents, educators and children!