very late update you on the last school board on January 24. The institutional positions they were elected under the Regulation: President Barbara Farnè maternal parent Pezzi, vice president Barrili maternal parent Silvia Magnani, Paola Latorre parent nest Comisso Secretary, Executive Committee Paola Latorre Comisso parent nest, Ivano Garribba maternal parent S. James, Maria Luisa Savage Brunacci maternal education and educator Anita Tripodi nest Palmieri.
We talked a lot of time and how the choice between the time of release 15.45 and 16.15 affect significantly the quality of the service, as that half hour is removed from the coexistence of educatrci. then think about it when you choose your time to your real business needs!
I invite you anyway if you're interested in reading the report that will be exposed in the coming days on board.
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