Saturday, June 20, 2009

Carrier Ptac Thermostat Problems


A DINOSAUR STILL ALIVE IN AFRICA?- In the jungles of Congo, Cameroon and Gabon, the people reports of an animal gray, with a long flexible neck and long tail, its name is Mokèlé Mbèmbé, "One that stops the flow of rivers" in Lingala language. For the cryptozoologists, this creature is an unknow animal yet. For others, is a kind of sauropod dinosaur, wich still alive in Africa.
In tutto il centro Africa le popolazioni conoscono il Mokèlé Mbèmbé , che in lingua Lingala vuol dire "colui che ostruisce i fiumi ". Ma è nel fiume Likouala-aux-Herbes , della Repubblica Popular of Congo that concentrate the highest number of sightings and stories about him, as well as in Cameroon and Gabon . And all these cultures describe the same: gray, 6 meters high with a long neck flexible boom and 10 meters long with a tail of caiman.
The debate about what kind of animal is opened when, in 1776 during an expedition in the Congo, the abbot Lievain Bonaventure described it in his book. Also in the 1919-1920 expedition of the Smithsonian Intitution (later ended in tragedy) it is spoken. Zoologist Ivan T. Sanderson, in 1932 Mokele mbembe even witness. Countless others have observed and photographed footprints, collected evidence and made assumptions. Zoologist Marcellin Agnagna with his "super 8" replied the creature. In recent years the BBC and National Geographic have dealt with the research animal.

According to the best hypothesis by cryptozoologists, the creature is an unidentified species of reptile, still unknown, as many others that are discovered each year just by cryptozoology (the science that studies the animals that are still outside the zoological catalogs contemporary). Other hypotheses see him as a survivor of the Cretaceous sauropod.


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