Maya, Deluge AND THE END OF THE WORLD-The Deluge Myth exist in the Maya culture too. They've Divided history of the world in five different Ages, or Suns. When the Giants lived the earth, the sun fell and Became the age of fishes. Then starts the age of monkey, destroyed by a violent Deluge. We live, now, In Our Fifth Sun, and will finish in 21 of the Dicember 2012.
I Maya, like the Aztecs, they divided the time from the creation of the earth to this day in ages, which they called "Golden Age" or "Suns" each lasting 5,125 years.
Since the creation of the world until today, humanity has experienced only five :
Nahui-Atl , the morning sun, which disappeared beneath the waters of a flood . Only a couple were rescued, the other men were trasformarmati in fish.
Nagui-Ocelotl , Second Sun, then crashed to earth as a huge fireball , burning the whole of humanity. Land at that time was inhabited by Giants.
Nahui-Ehecatl , Third Sun, swept away by the wind, a hurricane capable of overthrowing the mountains. The men survivors were transformed by the gods in monkeys.
Nahui-Quiahuitl , the Fourth Sun Humanity after the Third Sun had prospered, but was swept away by water, once again, a Flood of which were saved only three people , across the land.
Nahui-Ollin , our Fifth Sun According to the Mayan calendar, was also our end to coincide with the end of their calendar, set for December 21, 2012 . And it will be born Sixth Sun.
addition to their holy book Popol-Vuh, a compendium of esoteric symbolism and the Maya traditions have been handed down through the Chilam Balam Yucatan and through many other codes and subscriptions.
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