Tuesday, June 16, 2009

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ILMITO OANNES Sumer: the civilized ANFIBIO

SUMERIC MITH OF THE OANNES: THE Amphibian CIVILIZATOR -The Chronicles Sumeric wrote about Human-God Called Oannes, amphibian, who Teach Them to the sciences, arts and method of writing. They descrived portraits Him and His Life with Them. He lived under the Persian Gulf. A lot of civilizations Have The Same amphibian god, like the Mayas and Dogon.
In Sumerian mythology, as well as that of many Mesopotamian peoples, there are references to so-called Apkallu . They were not really gods, but were considered semi-divine beings , or semi-demonic, although it is not uncommon to find them described as "sentient beings". It was considered to be civilized . It all came from an aquatic environment.
Berosus, the Babylonian priest who lived in the third century BC, in an ancient cuneiform text , describes a particular one, called Oannes . "His body was like a fish, and had, under the fish head, another head, and underneath the feet like a man to fish tail added his voice even (...) (...) erudite man was the day the men on the letters on the knowledge and the arts. He taught them to build houses, temples, to compile laws and to learn the principles of geometrical knowledge. " When the sun was setting, being plunged back into the sea and went into the depths. According to Sumerian legend, lived in Oannes' Apsu , a place described as "a palace under the sea" .
The Sumerian civilization appeared and developed over a very short time. Their language does not belong, according to linguists, to any known strain, as well as the cuneiform writing.
It 's interesting to note that the ancient city of Pantibiblon was often visited by these beings, according to the chronicles of the time. Abideno, chronicler during the reign of Amillarus, handed down the memory of a semi-demon whose Sumerian name means "repulsive", also from the sea. The same Apollodorus tells a visitor amphibious Odacon named, emerged from the Persian Gulf during the dynasty of Euedoreschus.
Note the parallels with other amphibious creatures of ancient mythology. The Akkadians between the gods and half-man half-fish, they worshiped a call Uan. The Maya of Central America worshiped a Uaana be called amphibian, whose translation means "one who resides in the water. The Philistines worshiped an amphibious creature called Odakon (or Dagon), depicted with a tail fish and the human body. And then there are the Dogon , a tribe of Mali with deep astrological knowledge, which worships a god called Nommo's body fish "back in the clouds in a hot egg" .


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